Thursday, March 8, 2007

Dune Messiah

Title: Dune Messiah
Author: Frank Herbert
Recommened by: Myself

Well, try as I might against it, the first book I'm posting about is science fiction. Ah, SF, my true love. Anyway, I realized one day that I'd never read the Dune Chronicles. So I read Dune last year, and I really liked it, and this book didn't disappoint in the series. It progressed the world of Dune, and made you really believe Muad'Dib is the man, and that the spice is life. Also, Herbert's way of writing really makes the reader feel that they are inside the heads of the characters, through the confusion, triumphs, failures, and prescience.

Recommendation: Dune's timeless, 9/10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Ah, SF, my true love." hahaha, i love how it's so true and 100% alan files and how you abbreviated it :)